Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Not Just a Partial Idiot

I drove my daughter to her gymnastics class over the weekend, and since we had to make a couple of pit stops along the way, I decided to use Waze (which I've written about before) to find the fastest route to my destination. Upon arrival, I was surprised to see this message on my screen:

My first reaction was: no duh, does Waze think I am a complete idiot? Would any decent human being leave their child alone in their car? It seems incomprehensible for something like that to happen. But then again, I recall seeing videos of parents leaving babies in their cars "just to run a quick errand" so I guess these kinds of reminders may offer value to a subset of the population. But even if the problem exists, will a reminder from Waze actually mitigate the problem? I guess we'll find out. Meanwhile... SMH 1, faith in humanity 0.

More interesting, however, was my second reaction: does Waze actually know for sure that I have a child? I have never explicitly told Waze that I have a child. Could it have inferred from my destination that I was likely to be taking a child to a gymnastics class? What if I was driving my niece or a friend to gymnastics? What if instead of a child I had a dog, would it have reminded me not to leave my dog in the car on a hot day? Is Waze breaching my confidentiality or was this just a lucky guess or coincidence?

Needless to say, I tapped "No thanks" and promptly took my daughter to her gymnastics class. What do you think about reminders from Waze?

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