Saturday, January 28, 2017

HDTV Software Upgrade

On January 15, I upgraded the software on my Samsung HDTV. One of the major networks (CBS, channel 2 in Los Angeles) had no signal whereas other channels were OK. Realizing that it was probably due to a weak signal, I wondered if a software upgrade might be of any benefit. Upon asking Google if there was a software update available, I found out that there was. Based on the instructions, television software updates seem to be like firmware updates for computers in that they are not to be taken lightly since a mishap during the upgrade could render the devices inoperable. Unfortunately I did not see any release notes that accompanied the data file or installation instructions, so I was unable to evaluate how I might benefit from a software upgrade. I doubted that a software upgrade would resolve the issue. That being said, I was feeling curious and adventurous, so I decided to go for it. Here's the model number of my TV:

This is what I saw upon initiating installation (again, I did not see any documentation about what the differences were between version 1018 and 1024):

So far so good...

After completing installation, the TV automatically "rebooted" as stated. Everything was working fine, although unfortunately I was still unable to view CBS, but the problem corrected itself by the next day as I had suspected. To this day, I have not noticed any differences in functionality or the user interface, so I suspect that this upgrade may have only included some minor bug fixes. In any case, I thought I'd share this experience in case it might benefit others. Have you upgraded the software in your TV, and do you have success stories or horror stories to share?

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