Monday, February 19, 2018

Sleepless on a Redeye

On Monday, February 12, I was scheduled to fly nonstop from Los Angeles to Indianapolis on American Airlines. We were on track for a 10:00 AM departure when we pulled away from the gate and began our taxi to the runway. However, we experienced delays due to a malfunctioning flight computer, and after an hour we returned to the gate because the aircraft was taken out of service. Although it was announced that another plane would be brought in, the airline changed its mind, cancelled the flight, and rebooked me on a redeye flight with a connection in Charlotte. Thanks American.

It was difficult to sleep on the flight. Although I was not checking the time, it seemed as if I slept in 10-15 minute intervals because I recall awakening continuously throughout the duration of the 5-hour flight. On February 14, I happened to browse my sleep data on my Apple Health app, and this is what I saw:


It appears that during the redeye flight, I did not satisfy the criteria for being "in bed" for any portion of the night, as depicted by the absence of a purple bar in the "Tue" column. For some reason, my Health app does not appear to track "In Bed" data on weekends, at least not from the past few months of data that I reviewed, but perhaps there is a way to change that in a setting somewhere. Also, there is a pink "Asleep" legend, and given that I have no "asleep" data, I assume that I am missing either the software or hardware that is required to capture this information. In any case, it made me wonder what the criteria are for considering a person to be "in bed". If anyone has insight into this, please let me know!

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