Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Crowdsourcing Mask Compliance

When you’re out in public, do you wear a mask, and do you notice when others don’t? If so, you’re not alone. In fact, the folks from Regenstrief Institute have announced the release of MaskCount, a mobile app that enables the public to crowdsource data related to mask wearing in public. Users simply report counts of people wearing masks and not wearing masks simply by tapping or swiping in the app.

The thought behind this app is that when combined with other data, researchers can analyze the effects of local public health policies and study the association between mask-wearing and various COVID-19 trends. Regenstrief plans to make the data publicly available via privacy-preserving dashboards. While location data will be captured by the app, the only information displayed to the public will be aggregated data.

MaskCount is available for both iOS and Android devices. There is no cost to download or use the app, and it is available in 15 languages. Are you planning to report mask compliance?

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