Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Many Waze to Drive from A to B

If you've ever explored your options for turn-by-turn GPS navigation options on mobile devices, you've probably heard of Waze, a GPS application featuring community contributions such as alerts (e.g., for road hazards, accidents, or police) and community-editing features (e.g., maps and gas prices).  I really liked the concept of Waze since many of these features are not present in Apple Maps or Google Maps.  I'm not sure if Apple or Google have this feature, but one thing that pleasantly surprised me was the on-the-fly ETA change feature as depicted below.

However, as cool as all the Waze features are, for the last several months I've been getting a lot of Routing Server Timeout error messages:

I am not entirely certain, but I don't think they are due to poor cellular coverage since I've gotten these Routing Server Timeout messages while still being able to retrieve email (as a passenger, of course!), although I can't say that I've verified that in every instance.

In any case, I get these error messages about once every 2-3 times I try to use Waze.  That clearly violates the "Bad is Stronger than Good" 5-to-1 Rule and is enough to make me want to consider other options for turn-by-turn GPS apps on iOS.  Any recommendations?

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