Monday, June 29, 2015

iMac (27-inch) 3TB Hard Drive Replacement Program

I received this email from Apple today (click for full size image):

The hyperlink in the email redirects to  From there, the following information is provided (click for full size image):

Even though I haven't had any problems with my hard drive and periodically monitor its SMART status, I guess I plan to get it replaced.  Anyone else affected by this recall, and if you had your hard drive serviced, how long did it take to get your computer back?

1 comment:

  1. Follow-up to my own post... I took my iMac to the Apple Store, and I emphasized that I had a 3 TB fusion drive, not the regular 3 TB hard drive, and I wanted to make sure that my replacement was a fusion drive. The Apple representative said that all 3 TB drives that came with my iMac model were fusion drives and not to worry. I said that I didn't think that was true because when I built my iMac to order, I remember debating between the 3 TB hard drive (non-fusion) and the 3 TB fusion drive. I didn't have it handy at the time, but here are the technical specs for my Late 2012 27-inch iMac: There are clearly 3 TB hard drive and 3 TB fusion drive options. In any case, the Apple representative then stated that the recall only affects the fusion drives, so I should not worry about getting anything except for the 3 TB fusion drive as a replacement. Can anyone else confirm this? All the Apple news sites seem to only summarize the information that is provided on the Apple web site that I've displayed above, but nobody has mentioned anything about whether this recall affects 3 TB hard drives or 3 TB fusion drives. I dropped off my iMac on 7/12/2015, at which time they said it would be ready in 3-5 days. Sounds unlikely that I'd be erroneously "downgraded" to a 3 TB hard drive based on what the Apple rep said, but then again he did not seem to be very familiar with the recall.
