Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Problems Downloading Purchased Items on iTunes

I miss Steve Jobs. When Steve was around, it felt to me like quality control at Apple was impeccable. Since his unfortunate passing, it seems to me that I experience a significantly greater number of errors in Apple software. They are typically minor issues, but they are ones that detract from Apple's top-notch user experience. Here's an example of what I saw today:

This occurred within an hour after I had updated all of my iOS apps, so these two updates were recently posted to the app store. There is an Apple Support site where you can find an iTunes error code, but it did not list error codes 8012 or -48, nor could I find much useful information via search engines. I did have a working internet connection, so I don't think that was the cause. After trying to download the app updates again, I was given more information:

Ah, so it seems like I was unable to download the app updates due to some kind of issue with the artwork. I tried to quit and relaunch iTunes, but I received the same errors. Later in the day, after several hours had passed, I was able to successfully download the app updates, so the problem resolved itself. But as I said before, these minor issues detract from the previously seamless user experience that was characteristic of the Apple ecosystem in the Steve Jobs era.

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