Saturday, May 30, 2020

COVID-19 Road to Recovery

I’ve been tracking the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health COVID-19 Dashboard, and using the data from the Cumulative and Daily Cases and Deaths by Date tables in the CSV download, I’ve updated the 7-day running averages of new cases/day. Here’s what it looks like:

As you can see, there has been what looks like a steady decline in new cases/day for the past 2 weeks. This satisfies the Cases criterion in the Opening Up America Again guidelines which propose gating criteria prior to entering a phased approach to reopening. In reality, most cities had already begun to implement their reopening plans prior to satisfying all the gating criteria. Los Angeles entered Stage II of its Safer L.A. plan on May 8.

Stage II included minor adjustments to the Safer at Home order which allowed a limited number of businesses to reopen if they could provide deliveries or curbside/doorside pickup. Given that Los Angeles entered Stage II on May 8 and new COVID-19 cases have declined since May 15, it appears that the reopening plan has not negatively impacted the trajectory of recovery.

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