Saturday, September 12, 2020

Are You Ready for a Wildfire?

If a wildfire were to start burning in your neighborhood or vicinity, you may be given mandatory or voluntary evacuation orders. Local fire departments may use different terms such as mandatory evacuation and evacuation warning or precautionary and immediate threat. In any case, there are a couple of resources that might help you prepare for a wildfire. is a website that is maintained by the Department of Homeland Security, and there is a page dedicated to wildfires. It provides recommendations for preparation, how to evacuate and survive a wildfire, and what to do after a wildfire to maintain safety. The current recommendations have been modified to account for the double-whammy of dealing with wildfires and COVID-19 at the same time, so so various aspects of social distancing are factored into the recommendations.

Ready for Wildfire is a website maintained by the state of California, under the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE). It provides resources for fire prevention, preparedness, evacuation, and returning home. CAL FIRE launched a new Ready for Wildfire web app to help residents prepare for and stay accurately informed about California wildfires. The web app allows you to view CAL FIRE incidents and sign up for text messages about wildfires near you. Read the FAQ for more info.

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