Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Exposure Notification on my iPhone

I previously wrote about a smartphone-based approach to contact tracing and the Apple-Google partnership for exposure notification. I followed up with additional discussion about SafePass and Exposure Notification Express. Overall, it seems to me that there are many great technologies for smartphone-based contact tracing, but they all suffer from lack of adoption. This means that people have to not only turn on exposure notification capabilities on their phones, but they also have to upload positive test results so that other people can receive notifications. Tonight I received an exposure notification on my iPhone:

After tapping for more information, I was presented with information about COVID-19 that was supplied by my state’s health department:

And when navigating to my iPhone Settings > Exposure Notification, I was informed that the exposure took place on August 4 or 5.

I just wanted to say “thank you” to the folks who have been thoughtful enough to contribute to making Exposure Notification work. The network effect applies here—the more people use it, the more valuable it becomes. I have not yet had COVID, but when (not if) I do, I will be sure to upload my test results in addition to notifying known close contacts. Will you do your part too?

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