Thursday, August 4, 2022

Microsoft Teams for Mac - Universal Binary

Yesterday I posted about the imminent arrival of a universal binary version of Microsoft Teams, and I was wondering when I would receive the upgrade. Moments ago, I noticed that my Teams application had quit and re-launched while the app was idle. As I had hoped, my Intel version of Teams has been updated to the universal binary version of Teams:

The main differences in the app Info display are:

  • The Kind has changed from Intel to Universal
  • The Size has increased from 265.7 MB to 522.4 MB which makes sense since a universal app contains code for both Intel and Silicon processors
  • The Creation and Modification dates have changed
  • The Version has incremented from to
  • There is a new Open using Rosetta checkbox which you can use to force the app to run the Intel version
I have only played briefly with the universal version of Teams, and I have not noticed any major differences in speed, although I have yet to join a web conference. The user interface is the same, and I did not notice any major changes in the Preferences settings. In any case, I am happy to have received the update, and I hope you receive yours soon too.

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