Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Eleven Table Tennis Player Statistics

Did you know that you can track your Eleven Table Tennis (ETT) player statistics online? The statistic that is likely of most interest to most ETT players is their Elo rating. Other statistics of interest may be their historical match results and recent wins and losses. While you can view these stats in the VR game itself, there are also 2 websites that I know of where you can browse these stats.

The first is the official Eleven VR website where you can view the global leaderboard and individual user profiles. Here’s my Eleven user profile:

The second is 11ClubHouse which has most of the features of the official Eleven VR website but also features the ability for the community to comment on each player in terms of friendliness (via the Fair-play-o-meter) and a guestbook where players can leave feedback on other players. Here’s my 11ClubHouse user profile:

As you can see, after seemingly hitting a plateau, a few days ago I just reached an Elo of 2100 for the first time ever. I don’t know if I just had some fluke victories or if I’m really improving, but to me the wins and losses and Elo ratings are less important than just playing and having fun. Hope to see you in ETT!

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