Friday, August 11, 2017

Data Breaches and Pwnage

The other day, I received an email from Spirit Airlines. Here's the body of the message:

Unfortunately I was not surprised at all when I read this message because I had been previously notified by 2 different academic institutions on separate occasions that their systems were breached, and my personal information was among the stolen records. Still, it was nice of Spirit Airlines to notify me.

To corroborate what I already knew, I visited Have I been pwned? which is a web site that tells you if you have an email address that has been compromised in a data breach. Of course, you should be cautious about submitting your email address to a web site that you don't trust, but if it makes you feel more secure, this site is trusted by the Wall Street Journal (subscription required to read the full article, but the video is free) because of its transparent practices.

In case you're wondering, here's more info about the origin of the word pwned. Have you been pwned?

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