Saturday, January 12, 2019

Earthquake Alerting

About an hour ago, I felt a small earthquake and found details on the USGS website:

While I felt only a small jolt, I did wonder if the shaking would continue to increase in intensity or if the worst was over. Fortunately that's all I felt.

Recently I downloaded ShakeAlertLA and wondered why I did not receive an alert and if the app even registered the quake at all. Launching the app, it looks like this particular earthquake did not register in its system:

I do understand that there are many "small" earthquakes that are detected every day, so it does not make sense to alert users to every single one that is detected. However, I could not find a setting where I could set an earthquake magnitude parameter, above which I could get an alert and visualize it on the map. I suppose that would be nice, although I am also guessing that alerting capabilities might vary depending on the magnitude and other features of the earthquake.

In doing some research, this article states that ShakeAlertLA will issue alerts for all earthquakes and aftershocks in Los Angeles county of magnitude 5.0 or greater. In any case, it is also clear that the early warning system is still undergoing research and development, and I applaud the work in progress which I believe will eventually save many lives.

1 comment:

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