Monday, February 15, 2021

COVID-19 Vaccination: How is California Doing?

It is well-known that there are numerous logistical issues related to the manufacturing and equitable distribution of COVID-19 vaccines. That being said, the vaccines are slowly but surely making their way into all 58 counties in California. The official website for California Coronavirus Response provides many resources, including a COVID-19 state dashboard where cases, deaths, tests, and vaccine administration are shown in dashboard views. While many of us are quite familiar with dashboards for the daily and total cases, deaths, and tests, the  California COVID-19 Vaccine Dashboard is a relatively new addition to these data visualizations.

The vaccine administration dashboard is simple in nature. It displays the quantity of vaccine that has been shipped, delivered, and administered throughout all 58 counties in California. As depicted above, the CDC Pharmacy Partnership for Long-Term Care Program and CDC Federal Retail Pharmacy Program doses are a subset of the total. A live and interactive view of the dashboard is available here:

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