Friday, April 21, 2023

Facebook User Privacy Settlement

If you were a Facebook user in the United States between May 24, 2007, and December 22, 2022, inclusive, you may be eligible for a cash payment from a Class Action Settlement. Numerous lawsuits were brought on behalf of Facebook users who allege that Facebook (now Meta Platforms, Inc.) shared or otherwise made accessible to third parties (including but not limited to third-party app developers, “whitelisted” parties, business partners, advertisers, and data brokers) user data and data about users’ friends without permission of the users whose data was shared, and did not sufficiently monitor and enforce third-party access or use of that data.

The Facebook User Privacy Settlement is known as In re: Facebook, Inc. Consumer Privacy User Profile Litigation, Case No. 3:18- md-02843-VC (N.D. Cal.), and Facebook denies that it violated any law but has agreed to the Settlement to avoid the costs and risks associated with continuing this case. The only way to receive a cash payment from this Settlement is by submitting a timely and properly completed Claim Form that obtains approval from the Settlement Administrator. The Claim Form must be submitted no later than August 25, 2023.

If the Settlement is approved by the Court, Meta will establish a Settlement Fund of seven hundred twenty-five million dollars ($725,000,000.00) to pay all valid claims submitted by the Settlement Class Members, as well as notice and administration expenses, any attorneys’ fees and costs, and any Service Awards for the Settlement Class Representatives. Your payment will depend on how many Settlement Class Members submit valid claims and how long you were a user on Facebook during the Class Period.

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