Saturday, April 8, 2023

Make Your Tesla Fart

I discovered a “Fart” feature on my Tesla app, as pictured on the upper right corner of the icon library (whose icons can be repositioned):

Tapping the “Fart” icon results in the Tesla playing a variety of fart noises through its exterior speakers. Some are short, and some are long, but all of them are entertaining. Similar to eating Lay’s potato chips, nobody can resist the urge to tap the icon just once.

In 2021, Tesla featured a pretty extensive fart menu in Emissions Testing Mode. It featured 6 different fart sounds that could be triggered on demand or when using the turn signal. Apparently it could also be instructed to play the sound from a specific seat.

In 2022, Tesla allowed users to replace its horn with fart and other noises with its ‘Boombox’ feature and was ordered by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to disable those noises because pedestrians are less likely to be able to hear them. Details are provided in this CNN story and NHTSA Safety Recall Report.

The current fart noise feature does not replace the horn sound so does not compromise the pedestrian warning system. If you’re like me, you’ll appreciate that there is now a safe and legal way to make your Tesla fart. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to light a match.

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