Sunday, October 28, 2018

Inconceivably Regular Activity

The Apple iOS Health app on my phone (iPhone 6 Plus, iOS 12.0.1) suits my simple needs. It tracks my walking + running distance and lets me view my activity data in increments of days, weeks, months, and even years. Since I don't use any GPS-enabled apps to accurately track my distances, I've compared known running distances against Apple Health and have found it to be fairly accurate. However, something strange happened the other day. I noticed that Health was registering just under 0.2 miles/hour for every hour of the day:


On October 24 (left image), the Health app correctly logged the distances that I logged at 7 AM and 8 AM as I walked my child to school and walked back home. Then at 4 PM, it began recording distances of just under 0.2 miles/hour for the remainder of the day. This continued for all 24 hours of October 25 (center image) and lasted until 9 AM on October 26 (right image).

Obviously I did not really perform that activity at such a regular pace for 42 straight hours. I also did not place the phone on a vibrating surface or any other surface that was in motion for that time frame. In fact, I had a pretty normal routine where I left the phone on my desk while working and picked it up only to make phone calls, use mobile apps, or when leaving home.

The total distance of 4.5 miles on October 25 is a little on the low side since I walked my child to school (round trip of 1.75 miles) and ran/walked 3.75 miles (my usual route) which adds up to 5.5 miles, so maybe the app was simply not recognizing movement correctly for that 42-hour timespan. That being said, I suppose this could be within the margin of error of distance tracking without a GPS. Thinking about possible data corruption issues, I don't recall my iPhone crashing or being dropped during that time, nor had I experienced an unexpected shutdown due to complete battery drainage.

So I'm not quite sure what happened, but in the last 48+ hours (it's now October 28), the app appears to have returned to normal activity tracking. If you've seen this sort of strangely consistent recorded activity on your iOS Health app or even know why this is happening, let me know.

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