Monday, April 13, 2020

COVID-19 Hospital Impact Model for Epidemics

As if I have not written about enough COVID-19 hospital resource calculators, I just learned about another one called COVID-19 Hospital Impact Model for Epidemics (CHIME) which was produced by Predictive Healthcare at Penn Medicine and described in a research publication in the Annals of Internal Medicine. Similar to other COVID-19 predictive models, CHIME uses a variety of inputs (hospital parameters, transmission parameters, and severity parameters) to predict hospital resource utilization. The forecasted utilization outcomes include new admissions, inpatient census, and the number of susceptible, infected, and recovered individuals in the hospital.

And as if this blog hasn’t provided sufficient coverage about hospital resource calculators, the authors of the CHIME research study compared the predictions from CHIME with those from other COVID-19 forecasting tools including this one and this one.

In conclusion, I suspect that there are many other COVID-19 hospital resource calculators out there that I haven’t covered, but it is probably unnecessary for me to continue writing about them unless they have unique features that I have not previously written about. I hope that few hospitals will exceed capacity, and for the ones that do, I hope that these kinds of forecasters had been used long ago so that hospital administrators could plan ahead for the anticipated surge in demand.

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