Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Another COVID-19 Dashboard

COVID-19 dashboards are all the rage nowadays, and I’ve recently written about many of them. Here’s another one called COVID-19 Watcher which incorporates data from multiple sources for its online interactive dashboard.

The dashboard allows you to specify one or more regions (county, city, state, or the entire United States), display the number of cases or deaths, show daily or cumulative views, and toggle the scale between linear or logarithmic. A final “adjust for population size” parameter enables you to view the number of daily cases or to normalize the result to daily cases per 10,000 residents.

In another view, users can visualize COVID-19 testing volume and choose to display positive tests and/or negative tests and/or total tests for one or more states. And once again, data may be shown as number of tests or normalized to number of tests per 10,000 residents.

Data sources include the New York Times, Johns Hopkins, COVID Tracking Project, and CDC. More details of the dashboard are presented in this article.

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