Sunday, April 19, 2020

COVID-19 National Daily Health Survey

Some folks at Stanford Medicine are conducting a National Daily Health Survey to learn and predict which geographical areas will be most impacted by coronavirus based on how people are feeling. It is a research study that will be used to inform local and national responses, such as redirecting medical resources or improving policies and public guidance. Upon first-time completion, some of the questions are as follows:


It appears that there are multiple research efforts that are competing for the public’s attention, such as the COVID Symptom Tracker that I discussed previously. While there are some similarities in the questions asked, both research studies ask about COVID-19 symptoms, exposure, health professional status, etc. Both research studies also request that participants fill out questionnaires on a daily basis.

I have been completing the COVID Symptom Tracker questionnaire daily through an iOS app. It takes about 1 minute to complete. The COVID-19 National Daily Health Survey can provide daily email reminders if you choose to provide your email address, and after the initial survey, subsequent assessments are estimated to take about 1 minute to complete as well.

It might be interesting if researchers partnered on crowdsourcing efforts like this to come up with a master list of questions and answer responses that could be used by multiple research teams to achieve their individual goals. This would only work if they are studying the same topic with overlapping survey questions.

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