Monday, March 16, 2020

More COVID-19 Data Visualizations

If you’re trying to track the spread of COVID-19 in near-real time, perhaps you found my recent post about Dashboard Visualization of the COVID-19 Pandemic to be useful. Since then, I’ve found a few more visualizations that I’d also like to share.

The first is a U.S. Coronavirus Tracking Map that shows confirmed COVID-10 cases and deaths, based on data from federal, state and local officials.

The second is a collection of statistics and visualizations from Worldometer which is run by an international team of developers, researchers, and volunteers with the goal of making world statistics available in a thought-provoking and time relevant format to a wide audience around the world.

Finally, Our World in Data provides COVID-19 statistics based on data from the World Health Organization’s situation reports. One interesting chart allows you to see the number of cases over time and compare them across countries. It also lists doubling times and other interesting information.

Remember that most data and visualizations related to new cases reflect the time of detection rather time of actual infection. This is due to possible delays in testing which has occurred in the U.S. With that limitation in mind, I hope you’ll find these maps and statistics to be useful.  Above all, stay safe and remain calm. We’ll eventually get through this!

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